Friday, March 4, 2011


The symbol of windows in this story represents the barriers on women from their dreams put on by their husbands. For the first one, on page 10, it shows Esperanza who is limited by the window and her husband who forced her to marry him. Windows represent the want and need of a better like but the obligations they still have at home. They want to leave but they can’t. Also, on page 70, Cisneros talks about a woman stuck in her room/ house and who is afraid to go outside. She sits by the window all day, looking out to the world she yearned to be in but cant and feels sad. This is another symbol of broken dreams and want of something unattainable. This time, Cisneros talks about how men trap women even though sometimes when they are trying to help. This woman's husband brought her to h America to help her out and escape her old life in Mexico. But she is more miserable and trapped here in America, than before in Mexico. Also, Rafaela is limited by her husband. He doesn't let her outside because he is afraid that she will run away. She looks outside the window and at her dream, wishing she were outside and in the world, but she can’t because her husband limits her so much. The symbol of the window is how husbands and men limit women from their dreams, even sometimes, when they mean well. 

I agree with the idea that people can trap others even when they are not trying to, but I don’t necessarily agree that men are always on this side of the relation ship.  Women can limit men as well.  Also, I think this has something to do with the setting of the story.  I guess generally at that time period, in that specific area of Chicago, women were treated unfairly.  I disagree that men should have rule over women, but I also strongly disagree that women should rule over me.  A couple must have a compatibility where they are equals, work out their problems, and come to a fair, and equal solutions, together.  


  1. I agree! When a woman and a man are in a relationship and they both have opposing views, how should the two resolve their problem??

  2. I think they should talk things out in a safe environment without jumping to conclusions and get everything out onto the table, then make a conclusion to what they want to do. They have to make sure they don't jump to conclusions, get mad, or interrupt each other. They must work together.
