Friday, April 1, 2011

Response To Vignettes

Over the past few days, I’ve skimmed a few blogs.  I especially liked Victor’s blog because it was funny and cute, Melissa’s blog because it was serious and emotional, and Alex’s blog because it was straight forward and had strong morals.   Though they were each different, I saw that all of them commented heavily on family.  They knew how important family was and how they couldn’t live with out their family.  I feel the same way.  My family backs me up on everything, and I know I would be lost with out time. Victor explains a situation where he got lost during a trip to the Sydney Opera House.  He explained how worried he was about losing his family. I would be too:

My eyes started to water as I felt the need to collapse. I thought that my whole life would end right then and there. I picked myself up from the ground, and started yelling out to my parents. I cried and cried while I started to lose hope. Not one adult bothered to help me. They just glanced at me in a sorry way, and just walked by. A few more seconds of me weeping went by until I finally saw my worried parents running towards me. The second I wiped my eyes to see them, my whole body relaxed. It felt like I was finally at peace after being tortured

This was amazing.  I loved the vivid details of how sad and scared he was without his family right beside him.  And on the contrary, he explained flawlessly how overcome with joy he was to find them.  He even compared it to being relieved from torture.  I think this is how family should be.  Family should be so close and interconnected that when they are separated, they feel physical pain. This is what makes a strong, united, loving family. 

Melissa also stated that family is forgiving.  She never held a grudge against her mom for leaving because she was her mom.  She would always love her mom no matter what and couldn’t stay mad at her: “I love my mother and I understand why she had to leave. I have no hate towards her because in the end I know she is my mother.”  I thought it was a very strong sign of family.  One should always forgive and forget in family, no matter what because without a family, who do you have to lean on? No one ever, no friend, no one, will ever have the same relationship with you like a family member.  Never.

She also showed that family had jobs and obligations that tops everything else.  He sister had to take care of her when she was young and that interfered with her sister’s social time.  Her sister deep down inside, didn’t enjoy taking care of Melissa because it made her sacrifice so much of her time.  Though she truly felt this way, she barely complained and never made Melissa feel bad about it because she loves her time, no matter what circumstances, they should love each other and never let anything, anything at all come in the way of that..  She knows that as an older sister, it is her responsibility to take care of her and this takes priority over anything else.  This is how family should be.  Family should be supportive and loving all the 

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