Thursday, August 26, 2010

Response To Devin's Thoughts on Bullying

This is a response to Devin's thoughts on bullying:
One of the never ending issues is bullying. There is cyber and school bullying. I think the latter is more severe because it’s face to face. The more serious one usually involves ganging up because then bullies would have a lot of support and feel confident.
        People have several options to deal with that. One can be to tell the teacher which might not be so popular. They might be called a snitch. Confronting the bully is stupid because the victim is normally outnumbered. Staying silent would be best and that would give the bully an opportunity to pick another target.
I completely agree with Devin's thoughts about how school, face to face, bullying is much harder to deal with than cyber bullying.  If someone has the guts to bully another, that means he must have support that will out number the bullied.  With this support, he will will seem to be invincible to the kid he is picking on.  They follow the kid around relentlessly bothering him in anyway they can, and don't usually stop. While on the other hand, cyber bullying is something much more easily dealt with.  If ignored, it would go away after a while; news gets old but bullying is never ending, unless one takes care of the matter.

Staying silent, or ignoring them, may work, but sometimes, that just challenged the bullies to see what gets to the kid. It may work, it may not, but it would be my first option if i were getting bullied.  If that doesn't stop them, I would take matters into my own hands. 

One thing i disagree with is that  it is not a stupid to confront the bullies.  Standing up for oneself, but with nonviolent intentions, of course, is never stupid.  Never be afraid to stand up for yourself, because you are the only one that will stay with u forever, no matter what.  

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