Friday, September 24, 2010

Response to Troy's thoughts on Ale'ah's post

I’ve been trying to follow the debates that have been going on about who is “allowed’ to say the n-word.  I’ve come across this quote from Troy’s blog that sums up my feelings completely:
In my opinion I don't think that anyone should be able to say it because for so long all it was used for was to put people down. Using put downs are wrong because the can seriously hurt a person. I have had to deal with many put downs in my life and they are not easy.
While reading Ale’ah’s post, I had this exact thought.  I don’t understand why one race should be able to use it or not.  If the black community is so offended by this word, why would they use it in their everyday vernacular?  I think that nobody, regardless of their race should use this word.  It refers back to the slavery days where slave owners called their slaves this.  This inhumane act should not be referred to in everyday language. So therefore, the word itself should be eliminated from the vocabulary of all people.
I’ve heard many people use the word jokingly and this disappoints me because if they just took the time to understand where the word came from, they would not even think about ever saying it again.  The n-word came from the days when slavery was abundant.  The slave owners took the word Negro and changed it to label the slave.  When calling someone it, you are pretty much calling them a slave, and I think that is why black people become so upset when they are called this.  It brings them back to the days where they worked long, hard days without any salary. 
There is also debate on if they say the word with a “-ga” ending it makes it a friendlier notion than “-ger”.  I disagree with this completely because regardless, you are still calling them a slave.  Even when African American people say it to each other, it is wrong because they are calling their own race slaves, a thing they never want to be again.  I think for this situation, we should eliminate races from the factor, and say that all races and all people should be banned from saying this horrid word.

----Also, hopefully I’m not crossing any boundaries, but this thought occurred to me while writing this piece and I’d like to share:
Since white people in the past have always been superior and owned everything the African American community yearned for (freedom, money, etc.), the Black community wants something for their own now: the n-word.         <---- I am not saying this applies to everyone, but it is just an idea. Please respond, I’d like to hear your thoughts.

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