Friday, November 5, 2010

Burning houses 2

This is a response to Bianca's blog post about fire fighters who refused to help a man in need just because he did not pay his yearly fee:

"Firefighters are trained and paid to put out fires for the safety of everybody, not stand there senselessly watch a house burn down. The firefighters in this town sure know how to follow the orders of "only help those who paid the fee". Foster states that even though the firefighters are already in front of the burning house and have what it takes to stop the fire, they chose not to because they expected to be compensated for their labor. Saving a house is fine, because everything inside are material things, but what if the owner of the house was inside and passed out, unable to escape? Would the firefighters still not save the man? Surely there must be certain extent where money drives a profession of saving lives."
I completely disagree with the thoughts of this town.  What happened to the firefighters who are the heroes, who want to sae lives to be good, not for money?   Even if the man was not inside of the house, all the stuff in his house was deystroyed.  There is no way of replacing the sentemence of the items inside the house, it losing that is pretty  much as bad as losing his life because what was in his house may be ireplaceable.  Also, could you imagine what it felt like to just watch his hous burn down, with the firefighters right next to him?  That could practically kill him on the inside. 

the firefighters shouldnt decide wheather or not to save someone's life (or house) based on weather or not he paid his yearly fee. It is inhumane to just stand by and watch a house get burned down if you can stop it, even if you are on orders. I believe that it is mainly the town rules that caused this conflict because of their orders to refuse saving a house if they didn't pay there payment. Because none of the firefighters knew what would happen if they helped put out the fire, they expected the worst. Maybe they would lose their job and not be able to feed their children or something. They couldn't risk their own life so they were afraid to help the person in need. Even though I understand their point of view, I would never actually just stand by and let the house burn down, if I could do something about it. I would just help the guy out, and let him pay the man pay the city back later. I couldn't live with myself if I let s house burn down, without trying to save it. Also, I can't imagine the look on the face of the man. Seeing his house burn down with firefighters just standing by and looking must have devastated him. I cannot imagine how the firefighters slept that night. And I wonder what they must have been thinking while they watch this man's life get deystroyed. They must have felt bad,q and the city was at fault for all of these harmful feelings to both the victim and the firefighters.

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