Saturday, December 4, 2010

Discussion one summary and improvements

In our first discussion on Friday, we began by observing Kathy, devin, and jesse's group.  One thing I noticed was that their questions were mostly about plot, asking why one person did one thing or another.  I'm not if it is just because of the story that makes it difficult to come up with more in-depth questions or it was just a lack of effort, but that's what I noticed.  The best commentary I heard was about whether or not the "unwinding" of humans was humane.  It was very interesting to hear the discussion but I am extremely worried that there will be spoilers because I want to read that book, but they will be discussing it before I get a chance to do so.  Plus, I can't really stop them from discussing spoilers, because they must do so in order to discuss, because they are all at that point, and I am just an observer.

In our discussion, we. Talked a lot about what disabilities Christopher has.  We talked about autism, which is what he clearly has, but I wasn't sure what that really meant.  Sam cleared it up, saying that it is the disability of not knowing what people's emotions were.  I also questioned whether or not he had OCD because he liked everything perfect(I.e. When he went to his jail cell, he liked it because it was almost perfectly a cube, he also won't eat foood unless they weren't touching each other)

I brought up the thought about how his mother may still be alive.  We had a quick discussion about this but it was very frustrating because without ht elicited amount of time we had,we were all rushing to get our ideas ion, cutting people off, and changing the subject much too quickly.  We spent roughly two minters on this, when we should have spent at least 10.  That went for almost every single topic we discussed.  I think that we Should split this time into two days, doing one hroup's discussion one day, and the other's the next.  Just one day for tow discussions just simply isn't enough, especially for one third of a whole book. I know that we are limited on time two just two weeks left, but I really don't mind reading faster, if that means more discussion time.

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