Saturday, December 4, 2010

Response to Sam's thoughts on Christopher's mother

During this discussion, we started off slowly, basically talking about plot.  I brought up the point that Christopher   John Francis Boone's mother may still be alive and well, but with another man:
One very interesting part of the discussion was when the question that Christopher’s mother might still be alive.  If you think about it, it make since because Christopher was not allowed to see her in the hospital, and she was cremated, making it so there would b no actual opportunity to see a body.(excerpt from Sam's Blog)

Christopher, as Sam stated, never met his mother in the hospital. Also, his father didn't know the type of heart attack that she suffered from, something that one usually finds out from the doctor.  She was cremated, and Christopher didn't go to the funeral, and he didn't know what happened to the ashes.  I don't think that there is a question on whether or not his mother is dead, or living.  Our whole entire group(Sam, Bassam, and myself) agreed that we think that christopher's father lied to him when he said his mother was dead.  It is just a question on why his father did lie to him.

I have two ideas: his father just couldn't get himself to say/admit it, or he didn't think that with christopher's disability, he could handle the awful news.  The first idea seems far fetched because the whole neighborhood knew about the affair of mr. Shears and christopher's mother.  It may be possible because rumors could have been started, or mrs. Shears could have been the one who told everyone, not christopher's dad.  It seems far fetched, but It is possible.

The second idea seems more realistic.  With christopher's disability, he doesn't fully understand how to let out his emotions.  His father didn't know how safe it would be if he let christopher know that his mother lied to him.  N body knew how christopher would react to the news, so they kept it a secret to them, in order to protect him, and the people around him(he could get violent once he hears the news).  One thing I know for certain is that his father never kept this secret for being mean, it was just the way it was.

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