Friday, December 17, 2010

Third Book Discussion

In this discussion, we rehashed some of the old topics: the consequences of Christopher's disability and what he actually has.  Also, we brought up new topics of how Christopher's adventure will affect him later, if he will ever forgive his father, and whether or not he would have a compatible partner.  

I talked about how the self confidence Christopher gained after he traveled to his mother would help him in the end.  In the end, Christopher stated that since he wrote a book, discovered the killing of wellington, and taveled to mother, he could do anything. i think this is very important because earlier, we talked about how Christopher holds himself back because he looks down upon him self by setting rules.  for example, the color of the cars technique of whether or not the day would be good or not, i think, is an insult to himself, because he purposely limits his own ability to feel the day for himself.  Also, we discussed why his he was afraid of his father.  Throughout the story, Christopher displayed his feelings towards his father as fear because he killed Wellington, but on the other hand, I think his real feeling was that his was hurt that his father had lied to him about his mother’s death.  This is very significant because he is covering up his feelings, not because he doesn’t want to share them, but because he doesn’t truly understand them.  We then moved on to the point of whether or not Christopher would ever forgive his father.  i believe that it will eventually happened, because his father will try relentlessly, and Christopher believes he can do anything, and once he realizes how important his father is to him, he will conquer his fear and battle through it, and eventually forgive him.  We spoke about if Christopher met a person alike him, they would be compatible as friends or even a couple.  Sam brought up that they wouldn’t touch each other at all because it would make both of them uncomfortable, and they would understand to explain everything very clearly for the both of them to understand (like Siobhan does).  They would overall just understand each other and be good for each other. 

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